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Too Much Sugar

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Le sale nous nourrit, le sucre nous rejouit 🤤








希望大家能夠喺佢嘅糕點獲取倒正能量 & 味覺嘅滿足🤤

大家可以去佢網站order 🛍

亦可以喺週日到Canada water water market 會一會佢🫡

公司名稱(社交平台):* Too Much Sugar

SINCE :* 2020

Location:* Canada Water

Q1. 你哋嘅業務係乜? 做咗幾耐?What is your business? How long have you been doing it for ?* Micro cake shop

Q2. 你嚟咗幾耐?本身做D乜?How long have you been in the UK ? What is your occupation before you started your business?* 15 year ago? Pastry chef

Q3. 你最推薦的商品/最受歡迎的商品~~~(服務) 點解?Recommended product/service. Why?* Matcha/ Hojicha cake rolls

Q4. 你想透過公司實踐咩價值/對社區帶嚟咩改變?(有咩驅使你從事哩個業務)What influences you want to bring to the local community through your business? ( Or why you choose to work on this particular business? )* Bring happiness to people

Q5. 喺英國經營有咩困難?Any difficulties that you are facing while starting a business ?* It was hard to build up the customers base before

Q6. 經營時最難忘嘅經驗~Any memorable experience while running this business?* When customers told you how’s the products made their day!

Q7. 嚟緊有咩新攪作~(活動,宣傳,優惠等等)?Any new promotions or events going on in the near future?* We are trading in the Canada Water water market every Sunday 😊


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